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How do I bid?

Bidding on AllMusicSearch Music Auctions Auctions is easy. Just follow the steps below:

  1. First, register with AllMusicSearch Music Auctions Auctions.

  2. After signing in to AllMusicSearch Music Auctions Auctions, search or browse the various auctions categories. When you find something that you want, look for the bid box (titled "Bidding") on that item's auction page.

    Enter the following information:

    • Enter your password: For security reasons, you are required to enter your password each time you bid.
    • Enter your bid: The amount you are willing to pay for the item.

  3. Click on "Review Bid." You'll get one of the following confirmation messages:

    • High Bid confirmation: If your bid is the highest, you will be notified of this fact. If you wish to cancel your bid, you must do so now from this preview page. Bids cannot be retracted once confirmed.

    • Outbid confirmation: Another bidder might have placed a bid using automatic bidding, in which case an updated bid was placed on their behalf and you were automatically outbid. If this does happen and you want to bid again, return to the auction page and enter a higher amount.

    • Bid is below reserve price confirmation: In some cases, a seller may set a reserve price, which is the lowest price the seller is willing to accept. Any bid less than the reserve price will not win the auction. If this happens and you want to bid again, return to the auction page and enter a higher amount.

  4. Once you've previewed your bid and confirmed that everything is in order, click on "Place Bid." This is the final step to submitting your bid.

  5. As you wait for the auction to close, you will receive notifications if you have been outbid. You can always return to the auction and enter a higher bid.

  6. When the auction closes and you are the high bidder, you will get an email at the end of the auction. Included in this email is the seller's email address. You must email the seller to arrange for payment and shipping of the item.

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